JalaNeti( Nasal cleansing ) Pertimre Shankaprachhalana (Whole Digestive tract cleansing ) 4 hours with special diet Sutraniti Kunjal Enima KATI BASTI ...
Time Proven use of touch healing to promote physical and emotional well being.Different massage techniques are employed to relax muscles,improve blood and lymphatic circulation,encourage healing and balance energy flow.w...
Ayurveda is a hgolistic system of healing which evolved among the sages of ancient nepal and india for over 5000 years. This ancient science focuses on establishing and maintaining the balance of engeries within us, prom...
Yoga is vast collection of physical , mental , and spiritual practices aimed at intergrating body ; mind and sprit Achieve a state of enlightenment or oneness with the universe . Yoga is not a religion or any belief syst...